Day 2: Cambridge to Komárom…no wait, Budapest

Remember how I said that today couldn’t be worse than yesterday? I spoke too soon. This is a long story very short due to an extreme level of grumpiness.

I got to Heathrow Terminal 5 without problems but unfortunately my flight was leaving from Terminal 3. There was a massive rush getting to T3 which looked like a war zone. I got my bike checked, got to lounge for a quick coffee before rushing to the gate and getting on the plane. I’m done. Hurrah. What could possibly go wrong?

Flight delayed 2 hours. Annoying but not terminal to my plans for tomorrow. Landed in Budapest and when I switched on my phone, I received this:

This is terminal for my plans tomorrow.

My bag was still in London. In fact it was here and, according to BA, would arrive in Budapest at 1:40am tomorrow.

Thanks a lot British Airways

I’ve found a hotel in Budapest. I had no phone/iPad charger, no toothpaste and toothbrush, no clothes except the ones I was standing up in. Note to self: plan for this stuff and don’t pack everything in your bike box.

Tomorrow was supposed to be my first cycling day but tomorrow was now about going back out to the airport, picking up the bike at some point and maybe riding to…Budapest where I was going to spend the day hanging out and cursing British Airways and RyanAir. In effect the first two days of my meticulously planned trip were hosed. Second note to self: don’t meticulously plan trips.

Sometimes when bad things are happening on these bike trips like this the thing that makes them bearable is that you know that readers of the blog are going to find the trials and tribulations both entertaining and amusing. I’m afraid that doesn’t apply today. I had a major sense-of-humour failure today.


  1. Well - it’s very entertaining to read but after 2 days of being walloped by broken Britain it’s starting to transcend even gallows humour. Sorry you’ve had to endure this and good luck tomorrow. Note to self: don’t meticulously plan self supported bike trip (oh.. that’s right .. probably couldn’t ..)

  2. NFW! How frustrating! Hope you’ve managed to nab a toothbrush and find yourself a decent place to hole up and have a glass of wine! Surely tomorrow…. Surely!!!

  3. You could not make this story up.
    Lost for words


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