Danube Ride: The wrap up
I started writing this on a beautiful morning sitting on my lovely balcony at the Olympic Boutique in Constanța. As I drink my coffee a flight of fast jets (F16s I think) come roaring over the town heading out over the warships outside the harbour to patrol the Black Sea. I’d forgotten that I’m about 100km from an active war zone… Overall Thoughts on Cycling Down The Danube Now that I’ve had a chance to decompress a bit from the cycling, it’s time for some final impressions on this solo self-supported bike trip. The first thing to get out of the way is that this sort of travelling is a unique and very special way of seeing other countries, other places and other peoples. It is one of my favourite things to do. On a bike trip — and particularly a solo bike trip — you’re completely uninsulated from your surroundings. Some of this comes from just being on a bike rather than a car but a lot comes from the necessity to be totally self-reliant. If something goes wrong there’s very little st