Day 14: Łowicz to Warsaw

Distance: 89km 😄 Average Speed: 21.2km.h ☹️ — blame the Warsaw traffic Legs: 🙂 Undercarriage: 🙂 Bike: ☹️ Because I only had 90k to go today, I was hoping to sleep in and start later than usual. Unknown to me, today was a very big religious holiday in Poland and the two churches in Łowicz decided to have a bell ringing contest at 6:30am. For quite a long time. I hauled myself out of bed and, for the last time, applied SudoCrem to my “soft tissues”, stuffed my things into the desolation-bean and pulled on some slightly damp Lycra. I had hoped that I might be able to do something better with the bean today but there weren’t a lot of options with only one remaining strap. Ho hum, it’s only 90k… More of the same The morning was a reprise of all of the greatest hits of the previous days on the bike. After the (now traditional) pull uphill out of town I was back on the flat plains of Poland pedalling against the headwind that had plagued me since the German bor...